
Monday, 20 April 2020

the bunny

Once upon a time there was a mummy bunny who had one little baby bunny.and its name was snowball and the little bunny snowball was a girl she had blue eyes and white fur and snowball was very Fluffy so one day she hoped around the green bushes and when she went really close to one snowball saw some food in it and when she went in the bush she ate all the food that was in the bush then she saw another bunny hopping to the bush so then she zoomed right to the next bush so she won’t get sawen and then when the aether bunny went to the bush they said where did all my food go and then they went in to there bush home. snowball ran to her mum and said i ate someone's food by in Accident so then her mum said go Apologize and then snowball said ok and she hoped kind of nerves and snowball said i'm sorry for eating all of your food and then the bunny she said you can’t eat other bunnies food so then snowball said come i will give some of my food so then the bunny said ok I will come with you then snowball said what is your name and then she said my name is fluffy so then snowball said nice to meet you fluffy and then fluffy hoped to wear snowball was going to her so snowball said my mum can cook all of us some food then snowballs mum said ok want do you want to eat then fluffy said i want a chicken Soup and then mum said ok i will make us chicken soup then after she made the chicken soup fluffy went make home and lived happily ever after

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Three Little Cats

Once upon a time there were three kittens named Poptart, Cakepop and Popcorn. They all look very different but two look almost the same . Poptart was the oldest, she was a very furry cat and had no claws because  she kept biting on it, she was black and she had brown eyes . Her second little sister called Popcorn she looked like a little furry ball and her fur was the color grey and had blue eyes and last but not least there was a little sister called Cakepop she was so little that she can be picked up by a bird she was like her sister Popcorn but a little bit different she had blue eyes like her sister but her fur was dark grey. They lived in their mum's house  but one day there mum told them you can’t live with me anymore because you keep eating all the food in my house so then she kicked them out of her house and then she gave them money then their mum said you have to find a new home to live in so then they went to find a new house but they couldn't find one so then they had to make it by there self so Cakepop made her house out of cups and popcorn made her house out of cake and pop, tart made her house out of bricks so after they made there houses their was a big bad wolf so when cake, pop and popcorn and pop, tart saw the big bad wolf they ran in side of their houses so when the big bad wolf saw them go into their houses he came to them and said popcorn let me in or else I will blow your house down but popcorn said no so then he huffed and he puffed and then he blew Popcorn's house down so then she ran into cake, pop’s house and then the big bad wolf came and said let me in or I will blow your house down but of course she said no so then he huffed and he puffed and blew her cup house down then they ran into pop,tart’s home of course he went to pop,tart’s home so he said let me in or else I would blow your house down so then she said no the big bad wolf said I will huff and puff and blow your house so then he huffed and puffed but he couldn't blow her house down. So then he did it again so when he couldn't do it he went but the three cats were putting traps all over the house so when he went back he fell into a big deep hole never to be seen again.